Below you will find the most commonly asked questions and answers. But if your question is not answered, don't hesitate to drop us an email. We are glad to answer you.

What You Need to Know
Where is First Step Counseling? We are located at 120 Brett Chase, Suite A in Paducah, Kentucky. We are behind Little Castle in Lone Oak (Hwy. 45). The entrance is at the front end of the building on the left-hand side of the cul-de-sac (which is called Noah), right next to Images Salon. Our sign is on the door. When you arrive, please take a seat in one of the chairs in the waiting room. A therapist will be with you momentarily.
About your appointment. Participate. This is your time to share what is going on in your life. Your therapist's job is to listen and offer guidance. We cannot fix you or your loved one. We can only offer you the tools you need to improve yourself. You are a child of God and are of infinite worth. If you really want change in your life, it starts with you! Please arrive on time. There is no reason to arrive super early as we always run on time. Should rare occasions happen where we are running late, we will call or text you. We respect your time and will always have you in and out as expected. Office hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 10:00 AM - 5:30 PM.
The rules. If you are unable to keep your appointment, please call as soon as possible so we can reschedule accordingly. Life happens and we understand that. We will always work to provide you with the quickest reschedule date possible. Unfortunately, if you do not call and are a no-show, we will be unable to see you for future appointments until you pay a late fee of $60. In addition, if you come to your appointment intoxicated, we will not see you but you will be required to pay for your scheduled time. We will not allow you to leave if you are intoxicated and driving. You will be required to find alternate transportation.
Confidentiality. You have a right to feel safe in this space. That means assurance that what you share with your therapist stays with your therapist only. If you see your therapist out and about, don't be alarmed if they do not speak or acknowledge you. It's to protect you and your anonymity. But if you speak first, we will definitely offer you a hello and a smile! Please note that in Kentucky, we are mandated reporters. If you share that you are in harm's way or thinking of harming yourself or others, action is required by law.
Payment information. Hourly fees are $90 for individuals and $120 for couples/family sessions, depending on the clinician's experience/license. We accept debit/credit or cash. No checks, please. If you wish to self-file an insurance claim, please let the clinician know so they can provide you with the proper form. Please note, if insurance is filed, you are still responsible for paying the full amount of the session.
Please note that if you are struggling to afford therapy, there are ways to get assistance. You MUST let your clinician know if you require financial assistance prior to services rendered. Proof of income may be required.
We look forward to seeing you. Thank you for allowing First Step Counseling to walk alongside you through your struggles and your triumphs.