I have a dream. It’s a dream I have had for a long while actually. It’s an actual dream that I have when I go to sleep. And it’s a dream that lives in the subconscious of my mind. It’s a God-sized dream. It’s way too big for me to put into words yet when I close my eyes, I can see it so clearly.
In this dream, I am a part of a ministry team. We have a unique working relationship where we hold one another accountable, lift each other, support one another, have each other’s back, and love each other unconditionally. It’s an amazing team. It has to be amazing because the work we do is hard and risky. It is the kind of work that is emotionally and physically draining. It can impact your relationships with those you love and it can ultimately fatigue the fire of the Holy Spirit within you if you are not held accountable to rest. Yes, it’s an amazing team because it’s an amazing job.
We have a church building … sort of. I mean, we always have a roof over our heads, at least. But it’s not the kind of building you think of when you think of “church.” No, we meet wherever we can. Sometimes it’s a school. Sometimes it’s a warehouse. Other times it’s in a living room or community center. But we always have a building to gather in. God always provides that holy space. There are times, in my dream, where I miss the beauty of the traditional sanctuary — the stained glass and the unique architecture. But this church is a different kind of church. In my dream, this church is the people, not the building.
What makes this church different? Well, we do gather together weekly just like other churches. We gather to worship God and reset our spiritual needs through hearing the Word and sharing in Holy Communion. But the gathering doesn’t stop there. After worship, we get to work! In my dream, this body of believers has embraced the Great Commission – Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. Matthew 28:19-20 So, we go.
In this church, every single member has a role to play. No one sits on the sidelines regardless of age or unique ability. We have prayer warriors, teachers, carpenters, doctors, listeners, financial advisors, letter writers, and care providers. If you’re able to take a breath, you’re able to serve God and in my dream, all the members embrace this fact as given in Scripture. When one member fails to be all-in, the body of Christ is not complete.
There are mission teams both locally and internationally. They are trained and excited for the opportunity to serve God by reaching others in the name of Jesus Christ. These folks travel all over the world, being led by the Holy Spirit. Locally, the focus is the same yet very different. This team’s focus is still reaching the lost but specifically, the lost to mental illness. We have a program that welcomes those with mental illness. There are treatment groups led by professionals. In addition to the professional help that is free, there are support groups that focus on addiction, anxiety, depression, and others. It’s a constant hub of giving and receiving in the name of Christ. And it’s a beautiful thing.
In this dream, I see children taking ownership of mission projects where they lead and love in a way that only children can. I see youth becoming bold in their convictions while wrestling with things of the world and things of the Kingdom. I see deep Biblical studies taking place within the youth and a true Bible school within the children’s program.
The adults are hungry for the Word and the number of studies available are plentiful. There are studies for the disciple as well as studies for the seeker. There are studies to grow a couple in their marriage and studies to guide someone in their singleness. These meet all over the area, from coffee houses to kitchen tables.
And oh how we pray. We pray together. We pray alone. We pray for one another and for the world around us. We pray boldly, with conviction. We believe in the power of prayer so we claim our prayers in the name of Jesus Christ. And the results are miraculous because we pray. We really pray.
But…it’s only a dream. And yet, God has so profoundly placed this dream upon my heart I wonder what is next. I have been struggling with the silence of God for a few weeks but now I wonder if perhaps He’s been shouting so loud it’s become deafening? Why THIS dream? Why now? There are times when I sit straight up in bed in the middle of the night after having snippets of this dream. In those moments, I try to settle back into a restful place but my mind begins spinning and the possibilities clash violently with the truth that money is the mountain I can’t seem to scale. If I am honest, I must admit that it’s in those moments that my faith lacks the complete surrender I long to have in trusting God to provide should I step off this safe ledge I am on.
By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going. Hebrews 11:8
I have a dream. It’s a God-sized dream. And God often speaks in dreams. Is God speaking now… or is it only a dream?