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Lukewarm is NOT okay!

Writer's picture: Janean TinsleyJanean Tinsley

I have a confession to make…and it’s probably one the hardest confessions I have ever had to own up to. 

I am a lukewarm Christian.

Up until about an hour ago I was pretty sure that my faith was strong. There’s always a need to grow and mature in the faith but I felt pretty solid about where I was. Then I had lunch…

Have you ever just known that something pretty amazing was about to happen? I’ve had the feeling a couple of times. I had it today, as well. My husband had been invited to lunch by a longtime friend and they invited me to join them after I finished my morning appointments. On my way to the restaurant I found myself getting excited. I just sort of knew that it was going to be an amazing hour. Understand that I did not really know this man very well at all. We are “friends” on social media because of the relationship between he and my husband but that’s it. Still…I knew it was going to be a good lunch.

If you think about most lunch “dates” with friends, the time is spent talking about children, work, funny situations, etc. Not this one! We talked about Jesus Christ. And it wasn’t like any conversation I have ever had before about Christ. It was as if Jesus himself was sitting with us and telling us stories about His life. Scripture was quoted but not like we usually quote scripture. It was quoted like we do when we are relaying a conversation. It was real. It was direct. It was in-your-face. 

Too often we refrain from showing too much passion for Jesus. I don’t know why but we do. I’ve written about that before, actually. But not this man. Nope. Not only did he not refrain, he invited others to be prayed for. Our server was so humbled when he asked her what she would like for us to pray for in her life that she had a difficult time speaking at first. Then the smile that took over her face brought tears to my eyes. I can’t help but wonder if that was the first time that little girl has had a prayer said specifically for her. 

He leads a church in Georgia. It sounds like a piece of heaven. People of all walks of life coming together for the entire purpose of serving God while serving others. The more I listened to him talk the more I realized that I am a lukewarm Christian. Yes, I believe in Jesus Christ with my whole body, mind, and spirit. And yes, I share the Good News each week to my people. But what am I really doing? Am I feeding the orphans and widows? Am I going up to perfect strangers and asking them what is on their hearts that needs praying for? Am I sharing the Gospel in all walks of life? NO! I’m not. I am doing exactly what I said I didn’t want to do – I’m going through the motions. When I accepted the appointment to the two churches, I had such great ideas. But then my fears took over. Fear of making a mistake. Fear of disappointment. Fear of the unknown. Those fears have held me back from doing what God expects me to do. I have been called to make disciples for Jesus Christ and I am failing….because I’m a lukewarm Christian. 

For the past hour I have replayed today’s events in my mind over and over. I realize that I have an opportunity to change, not lives, but souls. The Lord h

as entrusted to me His words and His grace. He expects me to make each person I meet feel loved by Jesus Christ and ministers to others. Honestly, I don’t know what is next in this journey but I am certain that the lamp posts on my feet will illuminate my next step (Psalm 119:105). I’m not going to lie and say that I’m not scared. I am. Because each time God opens my eyes, my world gets crazy rocked. I refuse to be lukewarm any longer. 

Lord, please forgive my complacency in my life toward you. You trusted me with your Word and I have failed you. I ask you now to give me strength, wisdom and, most importantly, courage to fulfill the calling you placed upon my life. Amen.

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